Monday, February 2, 2009

GRRRRRR to strength training.

Hey friends!!

ROOOOOCK CHAAAAALK!!!!!! Wheeeeeeew, the game was A LOT closer than the final ten point spread. As many of you already know, I'm a huge KU fan (considering I'm an alumni) and try to watch my boys play every chance I can. They're a young team this year but still very fun to watch...even though they can give me an anxiety attack! On to Oklahoma St. this Saturday!!!!

So, today marked the first day of a four week strength training period. After five weeks of hypertrophy, it's going to be a good change up but let me make this clear...I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE STRENGTH TRAINING!!! What is strength training you ask? It's just to increase your strength! We cycle through three different training stages in order to prevent a plateau in workouts. Hypertrophy: sets of 3-4 with reps between 6-10. Hypertrophy is the only phase where you actually build muscle mass...that's why we usually do it for 5 weeks. Strength: sets of 3-5 with usually a warm up rep of 10, 2nd set doing 3-4 reps, and last 2 reps "maxing out." This cycle allows you to purely increase muscle strength. There are only a couple of strength exercises for each body group so hypertrophy is generally incorporated into it. Lastly, endurance: 4 sets with reps between 12-15. In this phase, you not only improve your muscle endurance (duh!) but I also think it increases your vascularity which is important in order to maintain oxygen going to the muscles. Strength and endurance last for 4 weeks and hypertrophy for 5. So there it training cycle. Today's leg workout wasn't entirely an honest strength session but shhhh don't tell ok? :)

Last Friday's measurements are also here for you to view! Lucky you!! I had big losses in my quads (probably thanks to box squats) along with my midsection. Can't complain there! And my weight is finally beginning to budge...wooohooo! I'm right on track with 12.63% BF. Kristie still has not changed my in nutrition or cardio sessions which makes life easier. Overall, I'm a happy girl. :) You'll be happy to know that I found my digital camera (don't ask me where because I'm a little embarrassed to tell ya) so I'll try to get some shots tomorrow morning at our 2nd posing session! The good news keeps coming... I'm on a roll and enjoying the ride right now.

Always love,

8.0---6.5---6.5---6.5---Sub scapular
24.96---19.43---18.61---17.80---BF lbs.
117.03---122.57---123.39---123.20---Lean muscle mass

Feb. 2nd, Mon. LEGS
Box Squat w/bar bell
--135x10, 185x10, 225x6, 245x6
Deadlift w/ bar bell
135x10, 135x10
Calf machine plyometric for hamstring
10, 12
Lunges w/dumb bells
30x8, 50x8, 50x10

1 comment:

  1. I love how you post your workouts! Thank you! Have you tried drinking Perfect Water during your workouts? It's awesome! This is water that has added oxygen which has helped me out during my workouts. Check it out! Keep up the amazing work! Good luck!
